Riding the rails

Riding the rails

  • What You Can Do to Attain a Clean Safety Record Working As a Commercial Truck Driver

    Road transport is the oldest and most commonly used methods of transporting cargo to various locations within or outside Australia. With so many people travelling on the roads every day, however, maintaining road safety has become more vital than before. Having a commercial driver's licence and maintaining safety on the roads are two totally different things. If you're interested in pursuing a successful career as a commercial truck driver, read on to learn how you can achieve a good track record when it comes to maintaining safety while you're hauling cargo.

  • Travelling with small children - how to make it easy!

    It can be tricky for carers of small children to make long journeys, but sometimes there is no choice. Here are some tips to make it as easy as possible for you, your children and the other passengers.   Book direct flights Where you can, it's a good idea to book direct flights to minimise the amount of movement and disruption for your child. If you can afford to do so, it's a good idea to book individual seats even for children that can technically fly on a 'lap' fare so that they have some space.

  • It's Time to Fly: Five Charter Flight Issues and Their Simple Solutions

    Are there obstacles holding you back from booking a charter flight? Are you anxious about an element related to these flights? Are you dissatisfied due to a previous experience? If so, there may be an easy fix. In fact, the charter industry may have addressed your issues already. Here is a look at five common aircraft charter issues, a look at how the charter industry is addressing them and an explanation of what you can do to avoid these potential issues to make your journey amazing:

  • 2023© Riding the rails
    About Me
    Riding the rails

    Ever since I was a kid I loved riding the trains. Now that I am an adult I'm slowly getting through my goal of riding all the train lines in Australia. We have such a huge beautiful country and train riding is a great way to take in the landscape of the country. I'm not in a hurry so I'm happy to spend some time really enjoying the ride. I know that many people share my love of trains so I started this website to discuss all of the wonderful train variations, and train history we have in Australia. I hope you enjoy it!